About me
Bas Brummans
7Qi Coaching
– 7Qi essentals life coach
– 7Qi advanced life coach
– 7Qi master coach (coach trainer)
Private Life coach
– Cognitive coaching (Boertien/Krauthammer)
– The Work (Byron Katie)
– PPA Thomas Intl. certified coach
– certificate professional Burnout Guidance (Wielink/van Elst)
– Flow Mastery coaching (J&J)
– Reiki 1/2 therapist
– Intuitive reader
Business Coaching
– Authentic leadership
– Competence trainer (various)

More then certified
It is important to know ‘who you are working with’ when you enter a coaching process or invite somebody for a motivational talk. Training or certification is not everything. That is why you will find a more detailed description below about me.
We live in a time of marketing expressions and short promotional texts on the internet. But I believe in content and the power of an authentic story. Although I have them, it has become clear to me that there is more than diplomas or certification! Just think of names like Ghandi, Buddha or many other inspiring leaders during history. There is a difference between knowledge or -experienced- developmental experiences and wisdom. The combination is of course the best.
This is about your happiness in life. Doesn’t that make it worth to invest some enjoyable minutes reading this story?
How I developped the 7Qi vision
Like everyone else, I experienced my own ‘spiritual moments’. Well, some say “quite a few” moments. Varying from almost crashing with a Boeing 747, to ending up with severe altitude sickness in intensive care in Tibet, or experiencing a “near death experience” twice during heart function investigations in Amsterdam.
As a result, a number of personal challenges became clear to me. I started to read classical literature, I visited gurus and shamans, and I was to be found in yoga classes, FLOW trainings and at ‘consciousness’ meetings. Really incredible, if you had known me a few years before. The boy with a flourishing corporate career, with the fancy car wearing beautiful Italian suits, staying at expensive hotel rooms. A lot of money, and always too little time.
I am grateful for all (!) these experiences, as they have helped me become who I am today, and to understand that there is more than “being at the top of the rock”. In addition, these experiences allow me to see the relativity of many things, and make it possible to experience true empathy with life experiences of others.
Where many choose for one (for example, a successful materialistic existence), or the other (a more spiritual existence), I became convinced of wholeness. Of integrating both. That changed my life enormously.
I have learned that it is important not to rely solely on thoughts/mind and (ego) beliefs. But that it is also important to let your heart / feelings speak, to use your emotions, to work on a healthy and vital body, to be inspired and to know your inspiration and intuition is important. Where ever you are. With every decision you make!
And that is exactly what the ancient chakra wisdom teaches us. I combined this wisdom with the latest insights from neuro-science and translated them into a practical developmental coaching vision: 7Qi.
During the past years I have been able to experience that this method is truely effective in finding your path, and live a life full of vitality, freedom, love and meaning. And I am grateful that in recent years I have been able to guide many people in finding this path.
Knowledge and experience
I have a university degree on psycho dynamics (Twente University Netherlands) and Interim Management (Nijenrode University Netherlands). I am certified life coach and reiki practitioner (I & II) and studied quite some of ‘wisdom literature’ (including classical texts such as Bible, Vighian Bhairav Tantra and Kabbalah in addition to modern philosophies exposed by authors such as Rudolf Steiner, Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra.(eg. the power of now, synchronicity’) or Jan Geurtz, Daniel Ofman (dutch, eg. Verslaafd aan liefde, kernkwadranten), Sue Johnson or Byron Katie .
After working years in medical top care hospitals and 11 years for PricewaterhouseCoopers I decided 9 years ago to become freelancer combining interim management, life coaching, photography, traveling and reiki therapy.
As allready shared. Like many others I learned, that you can learn a lot in corporate organisations but that there is much more to discover in life than that. You are more then what you think or feel. And awareness of who you are brings a more clear view on what serves you in life. That was the motivation for founding the 7Qi Institute 10 years ago. Currently I provide private life coaching in my 7Qi coaching practice in the centre of Amsterdam, do motivational talks, and provide business coaching (authentic leadership) at eg. the Anthony van Leeuwenhoek Hospital/NKI, Philips (division cognition and behaviour), WINK and other topcare Hospitals.
About me in person
I love to travel as it brings a lot of insights and wisdom. I am gratefull for all my travel experience in Europe, the USA, Afrika and Asia and feel privileged for visiting all these beautiful and sometimes spiritual sites in our world. I yearly visit Bali enjoying sun, ocean, nature and culture and seeing beloved friends. Bali has many ‘faces’ but I am gratefull for (spiritual) experiences I had with balians (herbal / shamanic practicioners), mediums and experiencing the energy of beautiful nature and culture dedicated loving Balinese people. I am so gratefull for the unbelievable intense learning experiences with these Balians.
I am convinced we are more then what we think or what we feel. That life is about making own choices and living the consequences. And i am convinced that awareness helps or even is essential enjoying the richness of every day and moment.
At this moment I live in the centre of Amsterdam Netherlands. I enjoy horse riding, driving a motor cycle, sea sailing, playing golf and playing the piano. I love to cook delicious meals and travel abroad tasting wines. I love to meditate and to read (spiritual) literature, visit museums and music performances and can be found at events, restaurants and cafe’s in Amsterdam and other cities.
Thank you so much for reading this 7Qi Coaching Website. If any questions left , if you would like to make a comment or if you are interested in one of my services please do contact me